Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some Formal Information

Here's some formal information on the partners of Intercult, as part of Youth4Media:

A Little about Youth4Media...

"European Youth4Media Network"
was founded in April 2005 as a non-governmental, non-profit association.
Members are more than 20 NGO´s worldwide (A
none-profit, none Governmental Organisation voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, Grassroots level especially in the EU-countries.)
The network continues enlarging. European Youth4Media Network offers a possibility for youngsters to participate actively in their political environment by encouraging their communication and medias kills. The etwork operates both on a local and on an European level. This is a very important step in the direction of an active and European citizenship in the united Europe.

A Little about Arts Action York...

Everyone is creative...

Arts Action York runs projects that develop this creativity to help make positive changes in communities.

We work with groups of all ages, using a range of different art forms, which enable people to express their ideas and concerns in a creative way.

Our aim is to make arts available to everyone regardless of skill or ability. Our priority is to provide opportunities for people who have limited access to participating in the arts.

We work with partners to develop an arts based community programme and we support artists to deliver high quality projects.

Services we offer include:

  • project planning and management
  • creative consultation
  • resources

We provide grants for community arts projects. The next round will be in April and September 2008.

A newsletter is produced by Arts Action giving details of our current and planned projects and activities. You can download a PDF of the latest edition from the right of the linked page above.

Arts Action York is jointly funded by the Arts Council and the City of York Council

Where Youth4Media Fits In...

We intend to develop Youth4Media to be at the forefront of Film, TV, Web Tv, Mobile Content, Web Design and all positive, creative expression through New Media in the City of York. Almost like a baby sister to Arts Action and working with young people specifically to give a voice to us. (Speaking as a Young Person myself).

We aim to provide opportunities locally and in Europe on an international scale working hand in hand with our European partners, the European Voluntary Servie (EVS) and more. Examples of opportunities available can be seen in current and previous projects on

A Little about The European Voluntary Service (EVS)...

EVS offers young people the opportunity to volunteer in another country, normally for a period of six to twelve months. A wide variety of placements can be found in the social, cultural, environmental and sports sector. Shorter placements of three weeks to six months are available to young people with fewer opportunities or special needs.

Volunteering trough EVS provides young people with a real-life international learning experience, encouraging social integration, increasing employability and offering opportunities to show solidarity with other people.

Organisations and local communities are strengthened by the experience of European partnerships - exchanging cultural knowledge and good practice, increasing awareness and understanding of international youth work.

A Little about How This All Came To Be (previous projects and news)...

City of York Council News - Lytnet (Local Youth Television Network)
17th August 2005 - read article Info on Lytnet read article

City of York Council News - Youth4Media: Who Are You?
12th October 2006 - read article

City of York Council News - European Youth Media Project Partners Arrive in York
9th October 2006 - read article

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