Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Youth Arts Award

I'm now tracking, recording and documenting the project not only for my professional development, but also with teh aim of achieveing a Silver (or possibly a Gold) level on the Young Person's Arts Award: a recognised qualification to GCSE and A-Level for Silver and Gold respectively.


It's ace because it actually has examples of how to complete the criteria in a handbook, you get a mentour, and it can be put in perspective.
It's given me so much clarification already. Since, let it be known, I am a little bit scatty (in the memory department - I will stand up for my organisational skills).

I'd also like to be a Youth Arts Award moderator in the future.

So, full steam ahead.

Now I just need to find the time to put into all that I'm doing. And to get the internet at home....I t make such a big difference to things


I had an excellent meeting at York CVS last week with The Khaoz Radio project and a representative from BBC Radio York. The possibility of developing future Youth4Media Media Teams in collaboration with other local institutions such as York CVS, BBC Radio York, Khaos Radio, York TV, York St John, York Uni seems very real: and there's a GREAT DEAL of interest.

I also had a chat with someone form York St John who is a councellor for Young people who showed interest....Networking, networking (all for the greater good)

Intercult Workshop Documentation - Blog#1

Before The Sessions

I’ve spent weeks preparing for the workshops. I’ve done hours of work, and have been heading down to Council office everyday for the last week to make sure that I have all of my preparation complete.
One thing that I have learned before is that there can never be enough preparation, always have a plan B and always have a plan C.

My feelings are very mixed…on one end of the scale, I’m confident in myself, my colleagues and the support I have to achieve the full potential of the workshops.
I have no idea what to expect, what obstacles I will encounter, whether I have prepared everything I should have. I wish I had more faith in myself. It feel like the workshop will carry itself, but I have some role in that. Although I know I the work I have already done will benefit the workshop, I still feel lost and have played worst case scenarios of no one turning up in my head. I’ve also imaged such excellent responses tah I don’t know which mental image to believe. I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that the only way to learn and improve is to DO what it is you want to improve.
And that I’ve overcome similar obstacles in past.Ultimately if I don’t have faith in myself, who will?

So….Hopefully the 1st session will go off with a (positive) bang, we’ll all be happy, we’ll develop a great plan, and as a team we’ll be happy!

During The 1st Workshop.

19th April 2008

So, I’m sat in the 1st session, it’s nearing the end and things are slowly winding down.

Some people didn’t turn up, and the session seems to be going slowly which is making me nervous.You may also be asking yourself, how am I finding time to write this during the session. Well, the internet is down, so we can’t do the research we intended to do.Below is what we discussed during the workshop:


  • We decided, mostly, on which roles we would like to have in the team.
  • What we would like to film before and on the 5th May
  • How can we manage this? In terms of kit, people, time etc (the producer had to leave early though)
  • Introduction to editing
  • Introduction to camera skills and capturing
  • Research into official statistics to use during the magazine, if we so desire.

What we couldn’t do, due to the internet being down is was:

  • Create a mood board to demonstrate ideas of visual styles, themes and colours etc for the project.
  • Research some official statistics

Next week, we’d like to do the following:

  • Some pieces to camera
  • Script and running order basics
  • Create a mood board to demonstrate ideas of visual styles, themes and colours etc for the project.
  • Consider the visual style of the piece and the design for the product
  • Develop a real IDEA of what to film, capture and cut . Something interesting…

What I forgot (oops) and will do/improve next week

  • I didn't get Feedback forms, a feedback discussion
  • I need to get feedback for the space - which is great apart from renegade static electricity
  • Next week I'll ask

1) What was good about the session

2) What was bad about the session

3) What would you suggest to improve the session

York's 1st 2008 Youth4Media Intercult Project


Date of first workshop: Saturday 19th April 2008

Venue:Basement Media Centre, City Screen, Coney St, York (see 'extra venue information' about where it is based in City Screen).

Time: 12pm - 5pm (12 - 3pm will be practical workshops run by Professional Y4M Media Mentors. 3 - 5 will be group led practical production work)

Project contact person: Mike Cooper

Workshop Leaders & Professionals:

Simon Collins (http://www.whereareyousimon.co.uk)

Dan Axon (http://www.axonaudio.co.uk/)

Dates of project: April 19th - 24th May 2007

Pre production: Saturday April 19th, 26th & May 3rd

Film Production day: Monday 5th May

Post Production: Saturday May 10th, 17th, 24th

Production team project Brief:

InterCult 2008 is a project involving youth media projects from 10 countries (England, France, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Latvia, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Bulgaria).
Your brief is to produce a 10 minute TV magazine programme and a DVD which explores culture, cultural diversity, inter cultural communication and what this means to young people and the general public.

The final production will be broadcasted on Open Web TV and be showcased at the InterCult 2008 youth media festival, Munster, Germany in October 2008.
Participants from each production team will have the opportunity to travel to Munster to participate and be involved in the festival.

You will experience all elements of media production from camera work to sound production, editing, producing, reporting, presenting and journalistic skills aswell as other media skills. You can pick and choose what YOU want to do.

Other Youth4Media Projects

If you would like to see an example of past media productions by Y4M Network in York check these out: These were made as part of the last Y4M project called 'LYTnet' (Local Youth Television Network - see attached info).

Board Bites Back - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj2qR18s6GE

5 elements - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RB-o79cbEs

From the u to k - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m2TZUtG7WE